Wednesday, March 30, 2011

stencil creations

For the past 2-3 months, I have been creating stencils when I do not feel like doing homework :) Here are some of the stencils...

Old Train

Sailors tattooing each other - from the 1940's

Tony Curtis (R.I.P) One of my favorite actors of all time

Glamorous Woman

Each stencil had its challenges but I am happy with the results.

show fliers

Here are some show fliers I have created in the past couple months.

Flier for CD Release Party - created in Photoshop 
from original images

Flier for live show -  created in Photoshop
Original design logo top center and original images used

Flier design for psychobilly band from Australia
Created in Photoshop from original sketchbook drawings


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

found objects project

copyright 2011

this is for my found objects project for class. it is made out of bras and you can tell from looking up close but it is hard to see them from a far away. i liked this project a lot and i like the font it created.

i am now a blogger?

just made a blog and i know the name might be weird to some but the other day i was just thinking about how my sister used to walk around and grab my wenis and my mom's when we were little and it just seemed like a good name.

i started this because i have wanted to have a place to showcase my artwork, ideas, and anything else.

that's all for now.